Anselm of Canterbury is one of the greatest scholars of Christian’s west, and Cur Deus Homo is often accounted as Anselm’s greatest work. It was written from 1095 to 1098 and takes somewhat unusual form of a dialogue between Anselm and Boso, one of his students.
For this edition of Cur Deus Homo the task was to provide Croatian translation along with original Latin text, so the simple page layout was developed to host Croatian and Latin text side by side.
The type for the book was chosen with regard to text’s origin as well as the time of its writing. Elegant type with calligraphic scent was used to evoke feel similar to old handwritten manuscripts, but typesetting is done with a contemporary reader in mind.
Typographic refinements such as small numerals and slight variation in glyphs were added to further enhance variety and elegance, and augment connection to the book’s origin time.

The result is elegant design with touch of contemporary elegance that suits the text well and is easy to read.